The end of the term had come and gone and the textbook's student was getting ready for the new term. And a new term meant new books! But, his student wanted to try and buy some used books this term and had opted to go to the local second-hand bookstore to see what she could find. She was taking two literature classes, both of which required some classic novels, books that should be fairly easy to find. She also had another astronomy class and a psychology class. She wasn't sure what used books she would find at the used bookstore, but it was worth a look. Once at the bookstore, the textbook's student found a small basket and proceeded to make her way to the science section. She browsed the shelves finding many wonderful books wherever she looked, picking up books and putting them back down, hoping to find a used copy of the astronomy textbook she needed for her next class. Sometimes when students are done with their books, they may want to sell textbooks to a book buyer. The textbook tried not to feel jealous that his student would be buying another astronomy textbook, but at least he could comfort himself in the knowledge that his student would still need him, as well. His student muttered under her breath, talking to herself, feeling discouraged that she wasn't finding what she was looking for. Then the textbook gave a start when his student suddenly squealed out loud, bending over a small stack of books on the floor. At the bottom of the stack was a used copy of the book she had been looking for. And it was for sale at a nice price! Delighted, the student hugged the book to her chest before putting it in the basket. One book down. A dozen or so to go. After an hour or so of searching each and every shelf the student finally plonked the heavy basket onto the counter, ready to check out. She had found all but two books she needed and was feeling very happy with herself. The textbook was pleased his student had bought some used books, but he couldn't help but feel a bit joyful that he would now have to share his shelf with all of these newbies. And just as he had finally been getting used to all of the other books, too!
The next day was a Monday. The little boy's mother muttered to herself worriedly at the condition of the textbook, but realized there was not much else she could do. She had wiped off all the sticky finger marks she could find, and had straightened the spine as best she could, but the book was certainly looking a little worse for wear. Still, she knew someone would be looking for the book and hoped to find it's owner. The little boy was disappointed he could no longer keep the book with all the wonderful pictures of stars and planets and comets, but his mother and father promised him that they would find another astronomy book next weekend, just for him. He couldn't wait! The little boy waited at the bus stop with his mother, wondering when the bus would arrive. Now that his mother's car was fixed they didn't have to go on the bus, anymore, which was a shame. The little boy enjoyed riding on the bus. When the bus arrived, the little boy's mother walked up the steps and asked the bus driver if he knew of a student looking for an astronomy book. He smiled and pointed toward the back of the bus, where a lady was sitting. The way she was studying, it was obvious to them she was a student. The little boy and his mother returned the book to the student who was very glad to see her textbook. She had an astronomy test at the end of the week and thought she might have to buy another book. The little boy's mother apologized to the lady, explaining she hadn't realized her boy had picked up the book until they had got home. Not wanting to hold up the bus, the little boy and his mother said good by to the lady and stepped off the bus, waving as it drove away. She waved back and then took a good look at her book. She could see the spine of the book was a bit bent and squashed, and some of the pages were wrinkled, as if they had been wet. And if she wasn't mistaken, she was sure she could smell ice cream and candy. However, she didn't mind as she was glad to have her book back, despite it's worn condition. She said to the textbook it was obvious he had had some interesting adventures. The textbook, too tired to talk, just nodded in agreement, thinking to himself that his student had no idea! Once his student had him safely tucked away in her backpack the textbook closed his eyes and went to sleep. He was glad to be home again.
What on earth is a circus, the textbook wondered to himself. As an astronomy textbook his focus was usually on things not of this world, so he often found himself intrigued about all the things that happened in his student's life. From her conversation she had on the phone with her friend, the circus was in town for the next two weeks and she wanted to go. The textbook heard her say something about trapeze artists and elephants. He knew what elephants were--he had seen pictures of them in another book--but he had no idea what a trapeze artist was. The textbook had seen other books on art and thought perhaps trapeze was a special form of art. No doubt he would learn soon enough, as long as his student thought to bring him along! Luckily his student slung her bag on her shoulder with the textbook tucked safely inside. He smiled smugly to himself. He was going to the circus! After a few hours at the circus, though, the textbook wasn't quite as smug. He learned that cotton candy and books do not go well together. He also learned that clowns are kind of freaky. And the textbook learned that trapeze artists swing from very high beams, which can make anyone very, very dizzy, and elephants are very, very nosy, with their big long nosy trunks, and will get into anyone's backpack if nobody is watching! By the end of a long day, the textbook was glad to be home. He was glad he had gone to the circus but also glad he didn't have to live in one. Living on campus in a dorm room was pandemonium enough!

The textbook's student and friends had enjoyed themselves so much at the local fair and visiting the traveling circus that they decided to skip school one day and drive to an amusement park in the next town. Initially, the textbook wasn't too happy about his student skipping school, but finally relented when he took into account how hard she had been working. Everyone needed to take a break once in a while. His student had gone to amusement parks before, but he had never gone with her. And now that he thought about it, the textbook was looking forward to a day off as well! As soon as his student and her friends arrived at the amusement park, they headed straight for a roller coaster. As the roller coaster climbed higher and higher the textbook was very glad he was zipped safely in the backpack and didn't have see how high they were! By about the fifth time round on the roller coaster the textbook was feeling rather ill and hoped he didn't have to go around one more time. Thankfully, his student dragged her friends to a mirror fun house, which sounded decidedly more sedate. The mirror house, as it turns out, has mirrors everywhere, constructed like a maze. Some of the mirrors may be curved, distorting the reflections, making people look tall or short, fat or skinny, rather funny or a little bit frightening. The textbook thought the reflections showing people tall or short, fat and skinny were very funny! He wondered if he would look as funny, too. It took a while for his student and her friends to find their way through the mirrored maze, laughing and snorting at their distorted reflections, and getting lost more than a few times, but eventually they found their way out. Obviously all that laughter worked up an appetite because they soon headed to a stall selling cotton candy. Remembering all too well his run in with cotton candy-covered fingers when he was at the circus, the textbook buried himself deeper into the backpack, hoping he wouldn't have to deal with any sticky fingers!
After a couple of weeks in their new home the student and her new roommates decided to do some shopping and buy a few things to furnish their new apartment. Nothing too fancy, as they didn't have much extra cash, but perhaps some nice things to make things more home-like. They all had fun visiting thrift stores and secondhand shops, rummaging through gently used items and vintage treasures. One of the roommates found a small chest that she thought would look good in the living room. The other roommate found a stack of old bound books, most in lovely condition. Many things caught the student's eye, but nothing she wanted to purchase. After their jaunt through thrift stores the young women stopped for a quick bite to eat. When they left the cafe the student saw a small garden nursery and decided to stop in. She turned to her friends and beamed when they saw a table of little potted plants, all greatly reduced. Nothing would make their new apartment more homey than some lovely plants! Choosing their favorites and getting care instructions from the store owner, they each carried their finds back home. The student immediately went into her room andut her favorite potted plant on her bookshelf, right next to her favorite book. She smiled. The plant looked perfect on her new shelf, and added a freshness and beauty to her room. She went back out and helped her friends find the perfect spot for the rest of the plants and their other treasures. The textbook leaned over and took a good look at the plant. He wasn't exactly sure how he felt about having to share his brand new shelf with something green. But at least it smelled kind of nice. Earthy and fresh. The textbook stared at the plant for a bit longer, wondering if he should introduce himself. Then he laughed at himself. How silly to think a plant could talk!